Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shoot for the Moon

I had this dream the other night where during the whole storyline, my dad and I were planning on going to the moon.  I only remember a few details, so here is what I can remember.

The whole dream took place in my house.  There was something about my friend coming over so I was trying to clean the house and such.  But in all my efforts, my mom would say there is no point in trying because my dad and I were going to go to the moon.  Then my sister and her husband came over.  They have been married for a month now, and they were dropping by to visit.  While they were with us, they decided that they should move in.  Of course, since they are newly weds, they would need more living space, so I was told I would have to always stay upstairs in my room unless invited downstairs or going outside.  I was a bit upset about this because the piano was downstairs.  But then, they would keep reminding me that it didn't matter because my dad and I were going to go to the moon.  Somewhere in there my friend came over and we also talked about my plans to go to the moon.  That's all I can remember.

I also had a dream a few days ago while trying to have a lucid dream.  I went to bed telling myself that I would do it, and that I would control my dream, but that didn't work.  Instead I dreamt that dinosaurs and raccoons were having a war with one another.  There was lots of bloody rabies-filled battles scenes.  I wasn't even a character in my own dream.  I guess my mind decided to make me watch scenes to protect itself from the possibility of a lucid dream.  Lame.  But here is a dinosaur I drew last night.  I think I will draw more with him fighting some raccoons.

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