Monday, December 20, 2010

What have we done to this beautiful world?

We as a human collective always seem to be in a constant battle to destroy the beautiful things God has created. We take and take without giving back to nature.  And then we try to stay naive about all that goes on, or we try to cover up the blame, so that we wont have to act responsively to what we are convicted of.

I am noticing this in my own life, too.  It is so easy to be ignorant because there is no knowledge of things that need to be changed.  I tend to focus on my own selfish life rather than focus on God's creation.  But, God put man on earth to rule and domain his creation, and in the context of that command, the only ruler and domineer to model after was God.  And he rules with love and compassion and grace.  We tend to model our behavior after dictators and Hitler and evil people.  Look at the dolphin slaughter, or the way we cut down too many forest and our waste we throw back on the land and waters and animals.  But, we try to justify it by saying that it is economical or practical or all part of building up our society.  It's just that we aren't being good stewards with what God commanded us to take care of when we see no conviction in our actions, or try to make changes in the world.

We still eat the meat from the slaughterhouses that don't allow chickens to ever see sunlight, and pump the animals so full of chemicals because they have been raised in their own crap.  We justify it by saying that that is the only way to feed a lot of people, or we stay naive about it, or we just say that caring is for the hippies.

We also support the food industries that tae buses to Mexico, bring back people to work illegally, and then hire the police to deport the workers after a time as criminals so that the company won't have to give them a raise.  But the people bringing the buses are never looked at, only the people doing the work.  And we support this because we still buy their food because it is cheap and easy.

We support so much waste in the world, so much cruelty in the world, just because we want things easy.  How dumb is that?  Just because it is easy doesn't mean it is right.  And nowhere in the Bible does God say he came to make our lives easy.  Yes, it says he gives us rest and his burden is light and his yolk is easy, but that does not mean that we are to live easy lives.  It just means he gives us inner peace and strength.  We are called to be lazy turds.

But we are lazy turds.  I am realizing how much I don't do because it would disrupt the normal way of my lazy life, or because people will think weird of me for acting out of conviction.

I used to get teased a lot for my environmental thoughts.  But God made this beautiful creation which we are so easily destroying with our waste and our slaughter and our lack of responsible action.  We are selfish stewards.

I am not saying we should all be vegetarians and never eat anything we haven't grown ourselves, but I am saying that maybe we should research what we support when we buy our produce and products and materials, etc.  Because even if you are naive that you might be supporting something sinful when you buy something from a sinful company, you are still responsible.  I am still responsible.

So now, I am going to try to be less lazy with life and to act responsibly once more.  There is so much beauty in the world, and I don't want to support it being destroyed.

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