Thursday, March 3, 2011

Buy a monkey a bucket of chicken and have a barrel of fun with it.

I have been having tons of dreams again.  Last night I dreamt that there was a really bad man who did a lot of horrible things to people.  He was caught and there was a circle of people in the woods proceeding with his judgment.  The sentenced him to a life of pain.  He was to dip his feet in concrete seven times and then let that dry.  After it dried he was to walk until the next morning.  The next morning he was to dip his feet in concrete seven times and then walk until the next morning, and then it would continue on and on until he died.  It was crazy and creepy and scary.

I also dreamed the other night that I had a two year old daughter and lived in a tattered house in the middle of the lake.  It was dark and stormy, and something had gone wrong.  I was holding my daughter very tightly and trying to get back to the safety of the house.  In order to get there I had to walk on a rickety dock, and right before we reached the house the dock broke.  I had to make a huge jump to get to the other side.  There was an alligator in the water beneath us, waiting for my to slip and fall in the water or to drop my daughter.  Luckily I made the jump and got inside.  There was more to the dream, but I have unfortunately forgotten the rest of it.  But it seemed to center around me having to fight through bad things in order to protect my daughter.

My puppy has been dreaming, too.  She barks and growls and moves her paws all night.  I like to think she is on some grand adventure in her dreams.  Hopefully not attacking me in them.

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